
Rubén Zafra


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Next.jsTailwind CSSLangChainPythonPostgreSQLTypeScriptReact

Autonomous avatars based on advanced technologies, designed to perform complex tasks in digital and virtual environments.

Anticitera is a web application that allows users to create and manage their own avatars. The application uses advanced technologies such as LLMs, image processing, and machine learning to generate unique and personalized avatars. The avatars are designed to perform complex tasks in digital and virtual environments, such as chatbots, virtual assistants, and augmented reality experiences.

The application is built using Next.js, a React framework, and Tailwind CSS for styling. The avatars are powered by Meta's Llama 3.2 language model, which is used to generate text and images based on user input. The application also uses LangChain for the interaction between the user and the avatar, allowing for natural language processing and conversation.

2025 — Built by Rubén Zafra